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Country Story - Experience Level Cheat

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9 (IE and non-IE)

This Experience Level Cheat is to enable you to level up faster, skipping all the earlier quests and unlocked new quests and seeds.

1) Do an action such as watering or ploughing to increase your experience to +1
2) Open Cheat Engine 5.5 and choose as process: FireFox.exe or Iexplorer
3) Tick HEX, Choose 8 bytes, (Also Scan Read Only Memory)
4) Scan FC2444C7C1580FF2 for Flash 9
5) 4 Results / Addresses will be shown after scanning
6) Look for the last address which end with 4, right click, dis this memory region
7) Search for addsd xmm0, xmm1, right click, Change Register Location

Country Story - Experience Level Cheat
8) Tick on EBX and type value 7D0 and click OK
9) Do an action such as watering or ploughing again to increase your experience points
10) You will see an increase of Experience by +2000

Note: This Experience level cheat / hack would not work in Flash 10. Do not use this cheat continuously more than 2 times in a row. This will cause your browser to crash. Re-do step 1 again if you wish to level up.
