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Country Story - Unlimited Farm Cheat

Tools you need :

1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9 (IE and non-IE)

This Unlimited Farm Cheat / Hack enables you to plough more farm for you to plant more seeds.

1) Equip yourself with a Hoe
2) Open Cheat Engine 5.5 and choose as process: FireFox.exe or Iexplorer
3) Tick HEX, Choose 8 bytes, (Also Scan Read Only Memory)
4) Scan 75FFE85DDD0CC483 for Flash 9 and you should get 1 result
5) Disassemble Memory Region
6) Look for the Opcode: jmp xxxxxxxxx on the first few line of Memory Viewer
7) Right click, Change Register Location
8) Tick on EAX and type value 200 and click OK